Discover the rich, vibrant history of Northern State University and the surrounding region through the preserved materials in the NSU Beulah Williams Library Archives and Special Collections.
Digital Collections
Find scans and images to give you a taste of what's available in the complete physical collection. Continually check back as we add materials online regularly.
Virtual Exhibits
Peruse our curated online exhibits showcasing photos and scans that tell the story of Gypsy Days, a Gypsy Queen, the Oahe Irrigation Project and more.
Book Collection
We've preserved a number of books connected with regional and school history as well as books by South Dakota authors and even a small collection of rare books.

Featured Item
“N” Club Members, 1958
“N” Club members in Spafford Hall gym, January 1958.
Lower Left: Bob Hanson, Bob Dubs, Jim Edwards, Butch Krein, Charles Kretchman, LeRoy Tuskien, Gary Heppels, Winfield Delle Frank Bohall, Dale Huber, Rich Hansen, Jim Lay, Harry Marske, Ed Miller, Francis Zacker, Terry Pexa, Arlin Wilson, Jim Desautels, Gerald Gauer, Mike Sladen, Dick Gross, Darrell Johnson, Monty Brekke, Dennis Kraft, Keith Koerner, Wayne Weisz, Leander Wolf, Lew Wingert, Jim Skulborstad, John Madden, Denny Bertsch, Bob Miller, Francis Heinen, Gary Wahl, Adean Johnson, Paul Jordre, Laverne Schlekway, Marv Rasmussen.
“N” Club was Northern's club for varsity athletes.
Plan Your Visit
While you're welcome to stop by during our open hours, we encourage you to contact us in advance to make your visit more efficient.
Location: Room 124 of the Williams Library
Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM weekdays and by appointment
Phone: 605-626-7770
Support the Archives
Beulah Williams Library Archives and Special Collections is the official home for the university and many of the region's valuable historical materials. Archives staff members are committed to the preservation of historically significant materials that document the area's past. Your support ensures the preservation of our rich collections and access for researchers and educators.