Access Digital Resources of the Region
We have compiled the various digital projects from institutions across the state of South Dakota, including our own digital collection here at NSU. Additional projects will be added as they are received and processed.
Beulah Williams Library Archives

Our online library contains scans and images of small pieces of our complete digital collection and provide a general overview of the kinds of items that can be found in the collection onsite. Our online library of collection items will grow over time as additional materials are digitized.
Digital Library of South Dakota

The Digital Library of South Dakota (DLSD) is a collaboration of the libraries of the six Board of Regents colleges and universities as well as partners in the State of South Dakota. It includes Black Hills State University, Dakota State University, Dakota Wesleyan University, Northern State University, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, South Dakota State University, and the University of South Dakota.
Northern State University: Aberdeen Area History

For decades, Aberdeen has served as the center of activity in Northeast South Dakota. It has been the hub of the regional railroad network, a jumping off point for homesteaders, and the core of regional education, fine arts and culture. This project's purpose is to highlight and preserve the rich history and contemporary stories of this area. This project would not be possible without the generous support of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
South Dakota Germans from Russia

Dedicated to the preservation of the history and heritage of South Dakota Germans from Russia, this collection is located at Northern State University. The collection contains documents, relics and recorded oral history interviews. There are physical exhibits on campus as well.
Additional Collections
Below you will find links to other resources and projects about various aspects of South Dakota. If you have any questions and we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call 605-626-7770 or email